The Millstone Times

East Windsor News Arbor Day Foundation Names East Windsor 2020 Tree City USA Community and Awards Prestigious Growth Award for the Township's Commitment to Community Forestry.

East Windsor Township, for the 21st year, has earned this national designation meet- ing the four standards set by the Arbor Day Foundation: having a tree board or de- partment, a tree-care ordinance, a comprehensive forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance. The Tree City Growth Award recognizes Tree City USA municipalities that achieve major milestones and annual activities that build upon their Tree City USA des- ignation and combine to build sustainable community forestry programs over the long term. The program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members accept Tree City USA designation and Growth Award for East Windsor Township's commitment to a healthy community environment and long term sustainable future built around community forestry pro- grams.

Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Council Member John Zoller, Deputy Mayor Peter Yeager, Coun- cil Member Alan Rosenberg, Council Member Perry Shapiro, and Council Member Marc Lippman.

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