Bulletin Board Magazine 2019 Volume 1
XXXXX President’s Message
C ontents 01 President's Report by Michael J. Kokes 03 Recruiting in a Tight Job Market by NWIM 05 SBACNJ Golf Outing by John Vincenti & Kristin Marzarella VOLUME 1 | 2019
EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Flair Marketing Group - Stephanie Shaffery
DESIGNER Flair Marketing Group
PRESIDENT'S Message by Michael J. Kokes - SBACNJ
OFFICERS President – Michael J. Kokes
First Vice President – Christopher Amato
Vice President of Associates – Kim Manicone
Michael J. Kokes President - SBACNJ
Treasurer – James Pittenger
I f I wanted to build a house, utilizing Shore Builders members exclusively, I wouldn’t be able to. Why, you may ask, because we don’t have representation in our membership of each trade. From acquisition of land to the sales of our homes, we have gaps. The biggest gaps occur in the house line construction of our homes. Effectively, our membership is not a true depiction of the industry we represent. This predicament is one that I have identified and shared with our Officers and Board in addition to the state association. Like any good leader, I have tasked everyone else to figure it out! In all seriousness, this lack of representation of the various trades is bothersome to me because it impacts our association in a few different ways. The impacts include our representation in Trenton, the community that we provide to our members, and ultimately the culture of our organization. Daily, our federation (from local, to state, to national), represents and protects our industry on the legislative front. Meeting with politicians, lobbying for or against laws, and having a say in policy changing discussions. We spend countless hours planning and participating in these efforts. By not having representation from all of our building trades, we are potentially
07 Welcome New Members 11 Economic Forecast Meeting 15 FAME Awards
missing out from hearing the important concerns from the stakeholders we represent. Certain issues are unique to certain trades, for example the impact of building inspectors rejecting rolled in fiberglass shower pans because of a lack of an ASTM number or arc fault breakers faulty operations with basic appliances. These types of issues are only brought to our attention from the trades that directly work with them. Truth is, while the specific trades identify these issues much quicker, they impact us all due to the interconnectedness of our homes. Making sure we hear from everyone strengthens our overall efforts and provides a comprehensive view of the industry we represent. One of the most embarrassing moments is when someone asks me what electrician to use from the association and I have to admit that we don’t have one. Fundamentally, I just find it crazy that we don’t have at least one member from each trade. Our association provides a forum for people in our industry to network and socialize with. This forum allows all the various trades to get together and by missing some of these key members, our platform suffers. Trades interact with other trades and builders interacting with trades, without this diverse mix, the overall experience diminishes.
Just having one member from each trade isn’t enough, as one of the greatest gifts of our association is the ability to learn from others in our peer groups. The biggest concern that I have with the lack of trade involvement in our association is that our culture changes. That we lose the compressive “building family.” Culture is something that doesn’t change overnight, but gradually overtime. From the events that we hold, to the politics that we are involved in, I want our culture to be inclusive of everyone in our industry. The trend has been that we continue to see less and less trades men and women in our association, and I think we have an opportunity to reverse it. My self and a few other members have created a “trade task force” and had our first meeting including various trades people, the meeting was enlightening on many fronts, and I think we will make some changes to try and attract and retain more trades. If you feel strongly about this, let us know, in addition, make an effort to bring a trades person to a meeting or engage the association. Our association is only as strong as the people in it and I look forward to making the association better in any way I can.
Secretary – Dave Eareckson
Immediate Past President – Thomas Bovino
SBACNJ STAFF Executive Officer – Gina McNamara
Office Manager – Chris Boyle
19 Associate Spotlight - Gloria Nilson & Co. 21 Builder Member Spotlight - Palatial Homes 23 SBACNJ Builder Program 29 SBACNJ Membership by by Kim Manicone 31 Section 199A Regulations by Edward P. Rigby 37 IBS 2019 41 Legal/Legislative by Michael J. Gross, Esq. , Steven M. Dalton, Esq.
The Bulletin Board magazine is published quarterly and is distributed to the membership and others.
eMagazine by member company Flair Marketing Group stephanie@flairmg.com
Unless otherwise noted Photography by member company: All is Sharp Photography Howell, New Jersey Photos can be viewed and ordered online at allissharp.com
68 Continuous years of publication to our members
Interested in Joining SBACNJ?
CLICK HERE As a Builder
CLICK HERE As an Associate
CLICK HERE As a Remodeler
190 Oberlin Avenue North Lakewood, NJ 08701 | P (732) 364-2828 | F (732) 905-2577
Bulletin Board | 1 | www.shorebuilders.org
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