CNJ+ February 2025

Timmy’s Story: A SENSORY FRIENDLY BIRTHDAY By, Pam Teel Young Author Tim Rohrer, who has overcome many obstacles in his life due to his autism, is set to release his second children’s book. The book is a sequel to his first book, Timmy’s Story: A Story About Autism and Friendship . His first book, focuses on inclusion, and is based on his own past life experiences. His second book, Timmy’s Story: A Sensory Friendly Birthday, also is a reflection of his past, and teaches one about autism through the eyes of someone who lived it. For those with autism, sensory sensitivities may make birthday parties difficult to enjoy. Tim’s second book tells a true story, with that in mind, about how his teacher and his classmates made his birthday party one that he could enjoy. Tim’s brother Daniel, who is a senior at Allentown High School, is doing his senior practicum helping behind the scenes of “Tips4Inclusion.” He did the book editing for his brother. Tim has not only become an author but a speaker, self-advocate, and educator of disabilities. He has been asked to speak at schools, conferences, and has also received a commendation from the NJ State Senate and Assemblymen. He is also a managing partner of a teen founded nonprof it organization called 5Help Foundation. To learn more about Tim and the amazing resources he created, check out his website at: Tim’s new book is now available to purchase on Amazon.


FEBRUARY 2025 MAY 2023

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