CNJ+ May 2024

Easing the Post-Holiday Blues: How Bankruptcy Can Provide a Fresh Start from Credit Card Debt It’s almost summer so vacations are being planned. Easing the Post-Holiday Blues: How Bankruptcy Can Provide a Fresh Start from Credit Card Debt

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As the holiday cheer fades away, the reality of credit card bills piling up can cast a shadow on our joyous memories. Many of us can relate to the rewarding experiences during the holidays, but the stress and worry that follow as credit card statements arrive are all too familiar for a person or family struggling to stay on top of their bills which were also often paid by mounting credit cards. Vacations can be the perfect opportunity to relax, disconnect from work and responsibilities, and enjoy some free time. But before you head off on your next fun trip, you should consider doing that might not sound quite as fun – creating an estate plan. Why do you need to think about your estate plans before you travel? An estate plan ensures any medical decisions needed while away from home will be handled according to your wishes and with as much ease as possible, no matter what the rules are where something happens. If you fall ill or become injured and can’t make medical decisions for yourself, your estate plan will ensure that decisions will be made by the person you choose and with your indicated desires for your care at the forefront. Do you want them being made by some doctor in a foreign country? Without an estate plan in place for after you death, your family or friends could have a heavy lift to get you back home, locate your assets, keep your bills paid, and even ensure your children get taken care of by the right people in the right way. As the holiday cheer fades away, the reality of credit card bills piling up can cast a shadow on our joyous memories. Many of us can relate to the rewarding experiences during the holidays, but the stress and worry that follow as credit card statements arrive are all too familiar for a person or family struggling to stay on top of their bills which were also often paid by mounting credit cards. going up and medical illness again on the rise, good people are struggling fin ancially. If aftermath, it’s essential you explore solutions that can provide relief and pave the way for a family struggling with today’s economy can’t handle. One such option worth considering is bankruptcy – a path that can help you regain control and start anew like many other clients. going up and medical illness again on the rise, good people are struggling fin ancially. If aftermath, it’s essential you explore solutions that can provide relief and pave the way for a family struggling with today’s economy can’t handle. One such option worth considering is bankruptcy – a path that can help you regain control and start anew like many other clients.

clean slate. This process discharges eligible credit card debt, allev iati ng the burden that has been causing you sleepless nights. What sets Chapter 7 apart is its swift resolu tio n, offering a relati vely speedy way out of the never-ending for you or even potentially adding in additional decision-makers. You still want a Living Will to give clarity on how you want medical decisions made for you. If you have property that is not jointly owned, for your spouse to get access to it, your spouse will still need a costly administration process in probate. Finally, if you have dependent children, you want to ensure you’ve made it as easy as possible for their care needs to be continued by the people you want, in the way you want. Without a plan in place, decisions around their care could be tied up for months, including access to the financial assets their caregivers would need to ensure they have what they need along the way. Unmarried People Need an Estate Plan Even More If you are not married then an estate plan is even more important. The intestacy laws do not give your significant other your assets even if you have been living together as husband and wife for 40 years. Furthermore for unmarried couples, the tax consequences are overwhelming if not properly planned. The Benefits of Working With an Attorney clean slate. This process discharges eligible credit card debt, allev iati ng the burden that has been causing you sleepless nights. What sets Chapter 7 apart is its swift resolu tio n, offering a relati vely speedy way out of the never-ending stress behind sooner. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: For those seeking to retain their assets and embark on a journey to gradually sett le their debts, Chapter 13 provides a structured capacity. If the fear of losing your home or other valuable assets is causing you distress, Chapter 13 becomes a crucial tool, allowing you to catch up on payments and safeguard what matte rs most. Moreover, Chapter 13 empowers you to reimagine the narr ati ve of credit card debt by incorpor ati ng it into a manageable repayment plan, o ff ering a more op ti mis tic outlook on your stress behind sooner. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: For those seeking to retain their assets and embark on a journey to gradually sett le their debts, Chapter 13 provides a structured capacity. If the fear of losing your home or other valuable assets is causing you distress, Chapter 13 becomes a crucial tool, allowing you to catch up on payments and safeguard what matte rs most. Moreover, Chapter 13 empowers you to reimagine the narr ati ve of credit card debt by incorpor ati ng it into a manageable repayment plan, o ff ering a more op ti mis tic outlook on your How Bankruptcy Helps with Credit Card Debt: Experience immediate relief by hi tting the pause bu tt on on relentless creditor calls and collec ti on eff orts the moment you file for bankruptcy, thanks to the automa ti c stay in itiated by the process. Turn the page on credit card debt, providing a fresh start and the opportunity to begin a new chapter with peace of mind.

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Spice Recovery Spices can do a lot more than add pizzazz to your cooking. They offer many health benefits and help in healing. By Mia Ingui Cinnamon Cinnamon is actually one of the most powerful healing spices, and has become most famous for its ability to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes. As little as 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon a day could cut triglycerides and total cholesterol levels by 12 to 30 percent. Cinnamon can even help prevent blood clots, making it especially heart smart. Cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It's been shown to conquer E. coli and other types Have a toothache? Put a couple of whole cloves in your mouth. Let them soften a bit, then bite on them gently with good molars to release their oil. Then move them next to the painful tooth and keep them there for up to half an hour. Clove oil has a numbing effect in addition to bacteria-fighting powers. Coriander The herb can be helpful for some people with irritable bowel syndrome, as it calms intestinal spasms that can lead to diarrhea. Preliminary studies in animals support another traditional use for coriander—as an anti-anxiety herb. Its essential oil appears to fight bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella. It's also being studied for its potential cholesterol-reducing benefits and has been shown to lower cholesterol in animals. Before you dismiss it, Bankruptcy might sound like a s ti gma or a failure, but in reality, it’s a legal process designed to offer a fresh start to individualsfacingoverwhelmingdebt. Many famous people had to use this legal process to ul ti mately go on and become not only strong parents and family members but also successful scientists, inventors and business people who mak e society a better place. Let’s delve into two common types: Chapter 7 depending on y our situation. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: If expenses have l eft you drowning in debt, Chapter 7, ofte n known as “liquida ti on bankruptcy,” can provide relief by offer ing a Find breathing room through Chapter 13’s structured repayment plan, offe ring a method to gradually pay off debts without feeling su ffoc atedbymo unting interest. Whether you opt for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, both avenues provide varying degrees of asset protectio n, ensuring you keep essentia l items and can move The after math of piling debt shouldn’t be a source of ongoing stress and worry. Bankruptcy provides a way out, a fresh start, and the chance As you face the dau nting credit card bills or medical bills, remember that you have options to ease the burden and pave the way for a more Lastly, an estate plan ensures that any debts or liabilities are taken care of properly in case something happens while on vacation. This can help prevent creditors from trying to collect from surviving family members after the fact – something no one wants to deal with during such a difficult time. Yes, Even Married Couples Need an Estate Plan You might think that because you are married, you don’t need an estate plan. Or you might even think your Will is enough and would just handle everything. But that’s generally not the case. Even if you are married, you still need medical powers of attorney, making it clear that you want your spouse making medical decisions While you can create an estate plan without legal assistance, there are serious risks to the people you love, if your plan is not completed, not updated after it’s been done once, or not completed properly. The only real guarantee for the people you love to have as much ease as possible is if you work with an experienced attorney specializing in estate planning, particularly Life & Legacy Planning. As your attorney, we understand what needs to go into a thorough and complete estate plan – as well as the potential pitfalls or issues that could arise due to your unique personal and family dynamics – so you can rest assured knowing everything is being taken care of properly before you embark on your trip. Don’t Let a Lack of Planning Ruin your Vacation or your Return! We can help put a plan together now so that you don’t forget about this important task before packing up for your next adventure. Making sure all your affairs are in order will ensure nothing stands in the way between you and enjoying time together and a peace of mind when you return home. Before you dismiss it, Bankruptcy might sound like a s ti gma or a failure, but in reality, it’s a legal process designed to offer a fresh start to individualsfacingoverwhelmingdebt. Many famous people had to use this legal process to ul ti mately go on and become not only strong parents and family members but also successful scientists, inventors and business people who mak e society a better place. Let’s delve into two common types: Chapter 7 depending on y our situation. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: If expenses have l eft you drowning in debt, Chapter 7, ofte n known as “liquida ti on bankruptcy,” can provide relief by offer ing a How Bankruptcy Helps with Credit Card Debt: Experience immediate relief by hi tting the pause bu tt on on relentless creditor calls and collec ti on eff orts the moment you file for bankruptcy, thanks to the automa ti c stay in itiated by the process. Turn the page on credit card debt, providing a fresh start and the opportunity to begin a new chapter with peace of mind. Find breathing room through Chapter 13’s structured repayment plan, offe ring a method to gradually pay off debts without feeling su ffoc atedbymo unting interest. Whether you opt for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, both avenues provide varying degrees of asset protectio n, ensuring you keep essentia l items and can move The after math of piling debt shouldn’t be a source of ongoing stress and worry. Bankruptcy provides a way out, a fresh start, and the chance As you face the dau nting credit card bills or medical bills, remember that you have options to ease the burden and pave the way for a more Bankruptcy Tax Audit and Resolution Estate Planning and Wills Business Startup and Growth 17 Broad Street, Suite 3 Freehold, NJ 07728 Telephone: (732) 333-0681 Fax: (732) 333-0682 of bacteria. Cloves

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