Hell's Eyes
she would be imposing on Mr. Noblémyn. She quickly squashed the thought, realizing that if he was as ill as she believed him to be, he’d certainly need someone to check in on him and ensure all was right. Bolstered by her resolve, Elsie picked her chin up and carried on her way to the edge of town and Mr. Noblémyn’s home. As she stopped before the burgundy-painted door, Elsie took a moment to adjust her cloak and gather herself, not wanting to give Mr. Noblémyn the wrong impression by the slightest misfortune of her appearance or of her obvious worry, should it put him on the offensive. She was merely a neighbor calling upon another out of concern for their wellbeing. That was all. But the tiny voice in the back of her head and the heat blooming along her cheekbones knew the truth. She did find Mr. Noblémyn to be quite charming, and so perhaps her concern for him was a little stronger than it should have been given the nature of their acquain tanceship, but still, who else would see to Mr. Noblémyn? He had no family in Halberry that she knew of, and no one she had spoken with had mentioned they had seen him recently or intended to call on him out of their shared concern. To be frank, the few coworkers he had were relieved to have not seen him recently. Their dismissiveness and relief irked Elsie. Had they no compassion? Or common decency? Elsie soothed the line of her lips and shoved her irritation aside. She was here now, and that was all that truly mattered. Someone was at least taking care to see after Mr. Noblémyn and get to the bottom of this mystery. Knocking softly on the solid wood door, Elsie called out, “Mr. Noblémyn? It’s Elsie Hyacinth. May I come in?” A squeak of fear met her announcement, as though her presence on his stoop had startled him. “Mr. Noblémyn?” Elsie tried again. “Are you in?” “Y-y-yes!” came a frantic reply followed by a curious symphony of
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