Hell's Eyes


clicks and shings . Elsie frowned, tilting her head in the hopes that she could hear something more. Just as she’d turned toward the side in an effort to look through the apparently shuttered window on the front of Mr. Noblémyn’s house, the door creaked open a fraction. Elsie’s eyes widened. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Mr. Noblémyn’s sallow face and round, frightened eyes. His gaze darted about, as though searching for something Elsie couldn’t see. A bout of nervousness trickled into her bloodstream. She was tempted to cast her gaze about in search of the thing Mr. Noblémyn feared was waiting behind her, though her rational mind knew nothing was there. “Mr. Noblémyn?” Elsie asked gently, fearing she would only frighten him more. His frail hands shook where he grasped the door, preventing her from entering or seeing him in full as he hid behind its width. “Are you all right?” He hummed, still not meeting her eyes but said nothing, further provoking her worry. “May I come in, Mr. Noblémyn? I brought you some cocholee and a cinnegal,” Elsie said, making to take a step forward. Mr. Noblémyn reared back, nearly slamming the door in her face as he flinched so vio lently she feared he’d dislocated his soul from his body. “Mr. Noblémyn!” she gasped, slowly reaching out to him but thinking better of it. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I only meant to invite myself in, as it’s quite apparent that you’re not in good health.” Elliot stuttered, a hand pressed to his chest as though the touch could ease the thunderous pounding of his heart. “I-I’m sorry, Miss… Miss Hyacinth. P-please, do c-come in.” Elsie scrutinized him, though kept her features in what she hoped was a schooled enough expression so as not to upset him further. Care fully stepping forward, Elsie turned and shimmied through the narrow opening Mr. Noblémyn had allowed her to pass through. As soon as she stepped foot over the threshold and was fully inside his entryway, Mr. Noblémyn forcibly shut the door. Elsie whirled as the lock clicked into


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