Hell's Eyes

Chapter Seven Heroes Shall Rise

H erman Basil was a composed and certain man. Everyone knew him to be utterly calm and patient even in the most dire of circum stances. If ever one found themselves in need of a Healer or a surgeon with a rational mind and a steady hand, Herman Basil was the first to be recommended by the citizens of Halberry. Herman Basil was anything but calm given the current circumstances. As Miss Elsie Hyacinth crumpled in his arms under his sleep spell, Herman Basil couldn’t help but let a few curses fall passed his lips at the situation they’d found themselves in. Fragmented, half-formed thoughts flitted through his panicked consciousness. Miss Hyacinth needed immediate treatment for her psychosis if they had any hope of preventing her from falling further under the young cerbertes’s spell. Herman needed to take at least one of the great beasts back to his surgery in order to make the only elixir that had any hope of reviving both Miss Hyacinth and Mr. Noblémyn—that was, if Mr. Noblémyn could be saved at all. Breathing heavily, Herman closed his eyes. The quiet whispers of the Shadow Forest soothed his mind. The rustle of the sapphire leaves, the birdsong coming to a full chorus now that the sun had surely risen, the chitters and croaks of the gem-colored pollies and the taddles of


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