Hell's Eyes


the nearby brook that ran through town. Each and every layer to the forestland’s symphony revived him until his mind was still once more. Opening his eyes, decisiveness drove Herman Basil’s actions.


It was with a great effort and much coaxing from the far reaches of her mind that Elsie Hyacinth pried her eyes open and forced them to remain so even as the low candlelight threatened to blind her. Blinking away her disorientation, Elsie turned her head. The move ment brought a fresh wave of stars before her eyes. A soft voice started, “Miss Hya—” “Elsie!” someone gasped, drawing in a sharp breath that cracked like thunder in her ears. “Mrs. Hyacinth,” the soft voice said reproachfully, “please temper yourself. Your daughter has been through quite an ordeal and may—” “And whose fault is it that my daughter is in such a state to begin with?” “Marion, please—” “I’m fine, Mother,” Elsie mumbled, vainly attempting to wet her chapped lips enough to soothe the aching cracks. Turning away, she allowed her eyes to drift closed. “Mr. Basil can’t be blamed for what happened.” “Is that so?” her father asked. “Mm,” Elsie replied, though the small assembly at her bedside couldn’t be certain it wasn’t a groan. “It is.” “Miss Hyacinth?” Mr. Basil asked hesitantly. She merely hummed, though whether she was unable or unwilling to give a response, Herman couldn’t say. Nothing was certain anymore. He’d done all that he could… But it seemed like enough. By Helpet’s heart, he hoped it was enough. “How do you feel?”


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