Millstone Times July 2022
Investors have survived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you wondering if you should get another opinion to help confirm your wealth is in the right place. That’s why we’ve made it as easy as we can to have a complimentary, face-to-face meeting with a Financial Advisor. Maybe you just want to know if you’re really on track for retirement or if your investments could be better aligned to your goals. Or in the process of working hard for your money, you worry you’ve overlooked some necessary steps to transfer your wealth. Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to listen, and we’ll help you evaluate your plan. It’s free, and there’s no obligation. Then you can decide if your wealth is getting the care it deserves. Don’t overreact to market swings. Investors have survived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you wondering if you should get another opinion to help confirm y ur w alth is in the right place. Th t’s why we’ve made it as asy as we can to have a complimentary, face-t -face meeting with a Financ al Advisor. Maybe you just want to know if you’re really on track for retirement or if your investments could be better aligned to your goals. Or in the pr cess of working h rd f r your m n y, you worry you’ve o erlooked some necessary steps to transfer your wealth. Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to listen, and we’ll help you evaluate your plan. It’s free, and there’s no obligation. Then you can decide if your wealth is getting the care it d serves. Don’t overreact to market swings. Investors have survived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you wondering if you should get another opinion to help confirm your wealth is in the right place. That’s why we’ve made it as easy as we can to have a complimentary, face-to-face meeting with a Financial Advisor. Maybe you just want to know if you’re really on track for retirement or if your investments could be better aligned to your goals. Or in the process of working hard for your money, you worry you’ve overlooked some necessary steps to transfer your wealth. Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to listen, and we’ll help you evaluate your plan. It’s free, and there’s no obligation. Then you can decide if your wealth is getting the care it deserves. Don’t overreact to market swings. Investors have survived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you wondering if you should get another opi ion to help confirm your wealth is in the right place. That’s why we’ve made it as easy as we can to have a complimentary, face-to-face meeting with a Financial Advisor. Maybe you just want to know if you’re r ally on track for retirement or if your investments c ld be b tter aligned to your goals. Or i the process of working hard for your money, you worry you’ve overlooked some necessary steps to transfer your wealth. Whatever’s on your mind, we’re here to listen, and we’ll help you evaluate your plan. It’s free, and there’s no obligation. Then you can decide if your wealth is getting the care it deserves. Don’t overr act t market swings. Ricardo Rive s, MBA First Vice President - Investment Officer 302 Carnegi C nt r, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540 Dir ct: (609) 897-8917 ricardo.g.rivers@wellsfargo dvisors.c m s CA Insurance # 4008525 Investors have survived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you wondering if you should get another opinion to help confirm your wealth is in the right place. That’s why e’ve m de it as easy as we can to have a complimentary, face-t -face meeting with a Financial Advisor. Maybe you just want to know if you’re really on track for retirement or if your investments could be better aligned to your goals. Or in the process of working hard for your money, you worry you’ve overlooked some necessary steps to transfer your wealth. W atev r’s on your mind, we’re here o li ten, a d we’ll help you evaluat yo r plan. It’s free, and there’s no obligation. Then you can deci if your wealth is gettin the care it des rves. on’t overreact to market s ings. Investment and Insurance Products: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value Ricardo Rivers, MBA First Vice President - Investment Officer 302 Carnegie Center, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540 Direct: (609) 897-8917 .com/ricardo-rivers CA Insurance # 4008525 Investment and Insurance Products: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value Investment and Insurance Products: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2020 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. CAR-0720-03330 Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2020 Wells Fargo Cle ing Service , LLC. All rights re rved. CAR-0720-03330 Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2020 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights re erved. CAR-0720-03330 Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2020 Wells Fargo Cle ring Servic s, LLC. All rights reserv d. CAR-0720-03330 Ricardo Rivers, MBA First Vice President - Investment Officer 302 Carnegie Center, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540 Direct: (609) 897-8917 CA Insurance # 4008525 Investment and Insurance Products: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value Ricardo Rivers, MBA First Vice President - Investment Officer 302 Carnegie Cent r, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540 Direct: (609) 897-8917 CA Insurance # 4008525
rvived market swings and corrections before. But a twinge of uncertainty may have you should get another opinion to help confirm your wealth is in the right place. That’s why easy as we can to have a complimentary, face-to-face meeting with a Financial Advisor. ant to know if you’re really on track for retirement or if your investments could be better als. Or in the process of working hard for your money, you worry you’ve overlooked some o transfer your wealth. ur mind, we’re here to listen, and we’ll help you evaluate your plan. It’s free, and there’s no you can decide if your wealth is getting the care it deserves. overreact to market swings.
Rivers, MBA President - Investment Officer egie Center, Suite 102 n, NJ 08540 09) 897-8917
Ricardo Rivers, MBA First Vice President - Investment Officer 302 Carnegie Center, Suite 102 Princeton, NJ 08540 Direct: (609) 897-8917
m/ricardo-rivers nce # 4008525 CA Insurance # 4008525 whY choose A cAthoLic ceMeterY? A Catholic cemetery is a holy and sacred place. It is a place of prayer and hope that is both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living…a place where those who have worshipped and prayed together in life now await the resurrection.
ts: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value
by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. All rights reserved. CAR-0720-03330
Investment and Insurance Products: • NOT FDIC Insured • NO Bank Guarantee • MAY Lose Value A gift of Love Protect your family frommaking difficult and emotional decisio s without you. Proclaim your acceptance of God’s love and your compassion for your family by making your decisions today and together. PrActice resPonsibLe stewArdshiP —MAnAge Your finAnces Protect your family from an unexpected financial burden by pre-planning and selecting a payment plan with terms that fit your budget. how do i Pre-PLAn? A Catholic Cemetery Memorial Counselor will explain and guide you through the pre-planning process. They are someone you can trust and who will explain the options that are available for you. You will not be pressured into making any unnecessary purchases. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2020 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. CAR-0720-03330
for inforMAtion about the purchase of crypts, niches and plots at the METUCHENDIOCESAN-OWNEDAND OPERATEDCEMETERIES cALL 1.800.943.8400 or visit ceMeteries
MArY sorrowfuL Mother MAusoLeuM At hoLY cross • Magnificent Main Chapel
• Private Chapel Areas Available • Crypt & Niche spaces available • Featured Glass Niches creMAtorY At hoLY cross 840 Cranbury South River Rd Jamesburg, NJ08831
resurrection ceMeterY feAturing MAusoLeuM of the hoLY sPirit Hoes Lane and Park Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854 • Premier glass niches available for cremated remains • pre construction pricing available
34 The Millstone Times
July 2022
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