Princeton's Ask The Doctor Jan-Feb 2019
Staying Healthy in the Winter By Brianna Siciliano
Winter weather can tire us out; waking up in the morning to frigid temperatures and the dark sky is not exactly the ideal setting to wake up in. Putting mornings aside, winter brings many undesirable factors into play, including colds and the flu, extra weight on our bodies, and unimaginable exhaustion. Thankfully we can do our best to keep healthy this winter season by taking all the right steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones. To start, it is very important to get as much sleep as possible throughout the winter months. In the winter, it is perfectly natural for our bodies to catch up on hours for sleeping. Nights are longer for these short winter months, therefore we must take advantage of this blessing! Another important factor to staying healthy in the winter is exercise. As the holidays come to an end, we are afraid to step on our scales and see how much weight we have gained over the past few weeks. But weight control is not the only reason to exercise in the winter! Working out gives our body energy and endorphins while getting our heartbeat up, and working out makes our bodies warm. There is no better way to stay warm in the winter than by taking advantage of all the benefits that exercising provides us! Feeding your body supplements in the winter is a great way to prevent colds. Including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, and Vitamin D in your diet is a great way to strengthen your immune system, boost energy levels, maintain great eyesight, and reduce the time frame and severity of cold symptoms. What
many people do not realize the importance taking vitamins. While Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects our bodies from diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Vitamin A is vital for strengthening the immune system, maintaining eyesight, and repairing tissues in our body to help growth and development. While Iron is needed for energy and the formation of red blood cells in our body (which carry oxygen); vitamin D is needed to control the amount of calcium in our bodies to keep our bones strong. All in all, staying healthy this winter season is possible! Getting more sleep, exercising, and taking vitamins and minerals can help your health remain in tip-top shape during the cold and flu season.
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