The Millstone Times May 2022
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What Makes a Centenarian? Is it your lifestyle, your genes, or just roll of the dice? By Pam Teel
TIMES IS LOOKING FOR healthcare HEROs! Do you know someone in healthcare who has made significant contributions and has shown dedication within the healthcare community? If so, nominate them to The Millstone Times Healthcare Heroes! The Millstone Times will bring together and showcase the most extraordinary healthcare professionals on the pages of The Millstone Times newspaper in upcoming issues. PLEASE SUBMIT NOMINATIONS via email to info@ In the subject line of the email please write Healthcare Hero Nominee. In the body of the email, please submit the name of the person you wish to nominate and a brief description of why you believe this person deserves recognition.
According to the New England Cente narian study, at least half of the cente narians they observed had close rela tives who reached an impressive age. Many of their own offspring, in their 60’s and 70’s, seemed to have some sort of protection from illnesses that become common with age, like cancer and heart disease. Most of us will have our lifes pans determined by 25 percent heredity,
and 75 percent by our healthy or unhealthy lifestyle choices. According to a April 2022 documentation, there are more than 97,000 centenarians in America today. Here’s how to become one of them. You never stop getting your age wrong- Swear you feel like 35, not 55? That’s good for longevity, according to a recent British study. The subjects who felt three or more years younger than their real age—this group was 65-plus—were less likely to die over an eight-year period than were people who felt their age or older. The findings were so powerful—feeling older was linked to a 41 percent increased risk of dying—that the study authors recommended that doctors ask patients how old they feel as part of their annual physicals. ... continued on page 42
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